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Govs Go Digital!

Whether you are moving a course online, creating a new course online, or temporarily 在线过渡,远程教育在这里支持你.  从这里开始逐步进行 guidance to think your way through moving a course online and additional resources 随着你不断提高你的课程. 

你是学生吗?? 查看我们的学生资源页面!



Regardless of whether or not you have designed or taught an online class before, moving 在网络环境中进行面对面的课程是一项艰巨的任务. 话虽如此, the 远程教育 Instructional Design team would like to break this process 下面为您提供一些基本技巧和最佳实践. 

Check out this 在线学习课程指南 使用下面的步骤和本页上的资源开始吧.

The big hurdle in moving a course online is considering how your face-to-face activities 能在数字世界中发挥作用吗.  Use this f2f在线翻译表 引导你通过数字的可能性.  记住,你不需要这么做 使用所有可用的技术.  使用最适合你主题和内容的内容.  有效地使用两到三种技术要比使用许多不合理的技术要好.

一次翻译所有内容可能是一项艰巨的任务.  Use this 规划在线课程模板 帮助你按模块/周来思考这个过程.

You should also consider consulting with other faculty in your subject area that teach online.  教师冠军是一个很好的在线翻译资源 这对于你的学科来说可能是非常特殊的.  他们以前也去过那里.  问他们:“你希望从一开始就知道什么??“如果你还没有 认识一些人,向你的系主任或院长咨询.

Now that you know how you will translate your face-to-face content, take the time 了解你将使用的数字环境和工具.  现在准备可以节省你的时间和压力!

远程教育的技术工具和资源网站 有我们所有工具的指南(视频,步骤表,有时两者都有)吗.  Resources like this are really great because they can support you 24/7 and you can learn all 关于工具或搜索特定主题.

  • D2L Brightspace,简称D2L,是在线课堂环境.

  • Camtasia is a software based video tool that can be used to create and edit videos for tutorials/how-to/demos, 课程、演讲等.  该工具非常健壮,并且具有许多特性.  Distance 教育部门每年购买的许可证数量有限. 

  • Examity and Honorlock are both options for online proctoring which is used to improve the academic integrity 以及在线考试的学生身份验证.  远程教育 帮助您确定哪一个最适合您的需求. 

    • 在线课程不需要在线监考.  这取决于教练 选择最好的方法来评估学生的学习.  

  • Snagit 是否有其他基于软件的捕获工具.  It can be used to create videos; however, 捕获和编辑功能是有限的.  史纳吉的强项是擒获和 编辑屏幕截图.  这对于创建快速教学材料非常有帮助.  远程教育每年购买有限数量的许可证. 

  • Turnitin provides tools to deter plagiarism and provide personalized feedback using rubrics 以及拖放、语音和/或文本注释.

  • Tutor.com 在线辅导为学生提供一对一,24/7/365的学术帮助.  Instructors should encourage student use if their course is support and then they can access student 使用数据和早期警报.

  • YuJa 用于创建、托管、管理和编辑视频和音频文件.  它也可以被使用 to store, manage, and share a large spectrum of other digital assets like images, 文档等.

  • Zoom web conferencing allows for one-on-one and group online meetings using video and/or audio.  它支持白板、投票、群组、聊天和屏幕共享.

远程教育为上面列出的工具提供网络研讨会.  请查看 在线研讨会日程安排.  如果没有为您感兴趣的工具安排即将到来的网络研讨会,您可以 是否可以查看上次会议的录音. 

Now it is time to move and/or create your course content in the online classroom. 请参阅 D2L Brightspace 有关将课程内容添加到D2L的一般信息的资源.

Course Combines

If your D2L course shell is empty, you may consider course combines and course copies.  Course combines allow faculty to manage multiple sections of a course they are teaching 都在一个课程壳里.  例如,BIOL 1010-09和BIOL 1010-12可以组合 到D2L的一个地方.  Course combines 必须在添加内容和学生访问之前执行吗 to the course.


Course Copies

Course copies are performed to copy content from one D2L course shell to another.  This could be copying your own course content from term to term or copying course 教员之间的内容.  In order for content to be copied from another faculty member, they need to provide 通过电子邮件获得许可. 



A general D2L course template can be imported into your D2L course shell so that you 不必从头开始!  该模板包括一个入门模块 模块概述.  入门模块包含指向学生资源的链接 and place holders for all necessary course information that needs to be included in 在线课程.  模块大纲旨在帮助您创建一个有组织的 你的学生很容易掌握的课程. 

The getting started module is also available separately from the whole D2L course template.  如果你已经有了在线课程或者正在使用课程副本,你可以 still use the getting started module to ensure you are providing complete information 给你的学生.

联系远程教育支持 online@p8157.com 请求D2L课程模板或入门模块(独立).  You 将需要提供课程信息(例如,BIOL 1010-09春季2020).


As mentioned under 第一步:规划课程, faculty champions are a great resource 现在是与他们协商的另一个好时机.

Accessibility deals with making your content usable by your students and is especially 对残疾学生很重要.  例如,如果您有文本页面/文件 in your course, students should be able to use screen readers to hear the content.  If you have videos/audio in your course, students should have access to the captioning 和/或抄本,以便他们阅读内容.  这种内容多样性是有益的 给你所有的学生,让他们选择如何访问内容.  Accessibility is more than just a good idea; it is part of the 美国残疾人法案(在新窗口打开).



如果网络对你来说是全新的,那么对你的学生来说可能也是全新的!  一定要分享 他们有很多资源.

A great place to start is with the D2L course template or getting started module listed 步骤3:课程创建.  这些已经为你的学生提供了资源 为学生的成功,技术,图书馆,和更多.

另一个很好的学生资源是 远程教育在线课程介绍指南.  You can share a link with your students in your regular communications, include 在你的课程大纲中,或者直接在D2L中添加课程链接.

Finally, be very clear with students in your course syllabus, schedule, and announcements 关于对网络环境的期望和行为.

Here are examples you can use or use as a starting point when communicating with students:


远程教育 provides resources for you and we love to hear what else you may need!  Make sure you reach out to 远程教育支持 with your needs, questions, concerns, etc.


Moving a course online from face-to-face is a lot of work and can feel overwhelming. 我们赞同持续改进的观点. Focus on actionable steps and keep your student's success and experience in mind to 帮助你做出选择. And remember, it does not have to be perfect (but it does have to be accessible)!  Your course will continue to get better and better as you work on it, learn more, 并从你的学生和同龄人那里得到反馈.

Below is a list of additional resources you may consider when you are ready to move 更深入地了解在线课程设计和交付.

  • 远程教育的在线教学工具包 -本D2L课程包含有关在线教学最佳实践的信息.  It also provides many resources for integrating a variety of instructional technology 加入到你的在线课程中.  要访问此资源, 在D2L中自行注册.

  • 更多地与教员冠军合作 - if you do not already know someone in your subject area that is teaching online, 咨询你的系主任和/或院长.

  • WCET教育技术合作组织 - WCET is nationally recognized as an informative, reliable and forward-thinking 高等教育中技术和创新领域的组织.  WCET 侧重于机构成功,政策 & 法规、学生成功和技术.  Stay current with the latest trends in distance education by joining WCET News or wcetMIX(打开新窗口) to collaborate with other faculty, administrators, and higher education professionals 来自全国各地的机构.  欲了解更多有关WCET的信息,请访问网站 their 网站了解更多(打开新窗) and 建立您的会员资格(打开新窗口).    

  • QM Workshops - 365bet is a subscribing member of Quality Matters (QM) a leader in online course 质量保证.  他们有一个全面的标准,可以用来提高在线 courses.  应用质量管理准则在线研讨会将使您熟悉 并教你如何将其应用到你自己的课程中.  如果你想完成 这个研讨会,远程教育将支付费用.  远程教育 at online@p8157.com 关于你的兴趣.

  • 在线学习联盟(OLC) -远程教育为机构提供学习联机学习的机会.  They are a collaborative community of higher education leaders and innovators, dedicated to advancing quality digital teaching and learning experiences designed to reach and engage the 现代学习者-任何人,任何地点,任何时间.  Learn more about OLC membership benefits and how to activate your account (opens new window).


The Bridge to Quality Guide, like QM's Emergency Remote Instruction Checklist, provides a phased approach to help you engage with course design as a thoughtful, student-focused process. 您可以使用基于web的指南来完成动手的、迭代的工作 这是创建高质量课程的核心.

现在进入指南! (打开新窗口)

QM has provided this checklist as a guide to moving your face-to-face course to an 网络环境.  这是一份教师可以采取的步骤的综合清单 在线移动时.


Get it now!