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Faculty Training & Development Resources

Learn more about training opportunities Distance Education staff can provide to you or your department and the professional memberships Distance Education offers you below.  Explore the menu for additional topics including accessibility, video, technology, and more!

Distance Education offers face-to-face or online faculty development sessions in many areas including course/instructional design, multimedia development, accessibility & ADA compliance, and D2L (basic and advanced). The intention is to not only support faculty in meeting online course development guidelines, but also to aid them in creating unique and engaging courses that are efficient and effective.

Below are faculty development sessions we have offered in the past. To schedule a faculty development session for you or your department, please contact us.  Don't see what you need?  Reach out to us and we still may be able to help!

  • Accessible Syllabus
  • Assessing the Value of Educational Resources
  • Beefing Up Your Course with Videos
  • Course Design for Quality Courses
  • Creating Accessible Documents and Media
  • BrightSpace: Dropbox, Grade Book and Turnitin
  • BrightSpace: Managing Content in D2L
  • BrightSpace: Discussions and Calendars
  • BrightSpace: Rubrics
  • Making Your Online Course ADA Compliant
  • Measurable Objectives & Alignment
  • Multimedia: My Media
  • Multimedia: Best Practices of Creating Instructional Videos
  • Multimedia: Camtasia Basic
  • Multimedia: Camtasia Advanced
  • Strategies & Tools for Student Engagement
  • Using Copyrighted Materials in Your Online Course
  • Zoom Video & Web-Conferencing

Online Learning Consortium (OLC) - Distance Education provides institutional access to the OLC.  They are a collaborative community of higher education leaders and innovators, dedicated to advancing quality digital teaching and learning experiences designed to reach and engage the modern learner – anyone, anywhere, anytime.  Learn more about OLC membership benefits and how to activate your account (opens new window).

Quality Matters (QM) Workshops - 365bet is a subscribing member of QM a leader in online course quality assurance.  They have a comprehensive rubric that can be used to improve online courses.  The Applying the QM Rubric online workshop will familiarize you with the rubric and teach you how to apply it to your own courses.  If you would like to complete this workshop, Distance Education will pay for it.  Simply email Distance Education at online@p8157.com regarding your interest.

WICHE Cooperative for Educational Technologies (WCET) - WCET is nationally recognized as an informative, reliable and forward-thinking organization in the areas of technology and innovation in higher education.  WCET is focused on Institutional Success, Policy & Regulation, Student Success, and Technology.  Stay current with the latest trends in distance education by joining WCET News or wcetMIX (opens new window) to collaborate with other faculty, administrators, and higher education professionals from institutions across the nation.  For more information about WCET, please visit their website to learn more (opens new window) and establish your membership (opens new window).