


  Under a 1984 act of the General Assembly, state employees are entitled to the same 为私人雇主雇用的人员提供的工人补偿福利 在田纳西州. This act placed responsibility for administering the state employee 国家索赔管理司的工人赔偿计划 财政部.
   Tennessee workers' compensation laws are designed to provide benefits to employees 谁在受雇期间因意外而受伤. There is no clear cut definition available to describe when an injury is or is not 可补偿的. Employees should perform the duties of their job in a careful manner 并向环境办公室报告工作场所的任何危险情况 健康与安全.
   This guideline is intended to be a summary of the Workers' Compensation Program and does not address every detail of the Program. 你有什么问题吗 ,请随时与环境健康与安全办公室联系 致电931-221-6103或致电615-741-2734向理赔管理处查询详情 信息.


     Generally, an employee is eligible for workers' compensation benefits if employed by the state and receiving a state payroll check.  通过合同得到补偿的人 跟州是没有资格的.


    根据田纳西州工人赔偿法提供的福利是:(1)付款 of medical expenses directly related to the treatment of a 可补偿的 injury, (2) payment of temporary disability benefits to replace your salary until you are able 重返工作岗位,(3)支付永久性伤残抚恤金,如属可赔偿 受伤会永久降低你的工作能力,(4)死亡抚恤金 which are payable to your survivors in the event your 可补偿的 injury leads to 你的死亡.


   If an employee has an on-the-job accident which requires medical treatment, he/she 必须选择一个在国家工人赔偿网络中被授权的提供者吗. 这将是唯一被授权治疗员工可赔偿伤害的医生. 这意味着国家只接受并支付由此提交的医疗费用 除非主治医生通知科维尔他们已经转诊 到另一位网络医生进行治疗. 国家不支付任何医疗费用 雇员从治疗医生或网络以外的医生处招致 physician they are referred to by the treating physician. 在就医时, 雇员应该通知医生办公室他们在工作中受伤 他们将向州政府申请工人补偿福利.
   The state, as your employer, is responsible for payment of any reasonable medical 雇员因寻求医疗而产生的费用应予赔偿 工伤赔偿由国家和授权提供方提供 供应商网络. This means that if the employee sprains their ankle in a work related accident, the state will pay the medical expenses associated with the treatment of 脚踝. However, if the doctor also treats any other condition which is not related to the 可补偿的 injury at the same time he treats the 可补偿的 injury, then the state will only pay the portion of the medical bill which is directly related 脚踝的治疗. The employee and/or their insurance carrier is responsible for the cost of any medical treatment which is unrelated to the 可补偿的 injury. The names of authorized physicians may be obtained from CorVel at 1-866-245-8588.
   The state will not pay for any treatment rendered by an unauthorized non-network 提供者. If you seek treatment from a non-network 提供者, you will be responsible for all bills associated with that treatment.


   Assault pay is payable to an employee who has sustained a disabling injury due to an assault arising in and out of the employee's employment.
   田纳西州联合退休系统(TCRS)的永久成员 和完全残疾之前,可能有资格领取服务退休津贴 如果他们在表演中受伤,有资格获得意外伤残津贴 的责任. 联系 TCRS disability office at 1-800-922-7772 for additional 信息.


  Employees experiencing an on-the-job accident or injury or job-related property damage should immediately or as soon as reasonably practicable report the incident to their supervisor stating exactly what happened, how it happened, who witnessed the incident, and whether injury occurred as a result of the accident. 如果你是 目睹与工作有关的事故而同事受重伤的证人 that the involved employee cannot notify his/her supervisor, you should attempt to 替他通知主管.

  • 涉及国有车辆的事故;
  • Accidents and mishaps involving state-owned machinery or equipment;
  • Accidents caused by state employees acting within the scope of their employment;
  • Accidents on state-owned or state controlled property; and
  • 国家工作人员在工作范围内受到伤害(工人赔偿).


因下列情形造成的伤害或死亡,不得给予赔偿 原因:

  1. 渎职;
  2. 故意自残,
  3. 中毒,
  4. Willful failure or refusal to use safety devices or perform a duty required by law.


     The supervisor or employee should immediately contact the Environmental Health and 安全 at 931-221-6103 once an accident has been reported. 密切配合 是否需要确保及时准确地填写所需的表格. 员工因工负伤不能工作的 Environmental 健康与安全 should be contacted at 931-221-6103.
     The employee is responsible for providing 信息 from the treating physician to his/her supervisor regarding his/her ability to return to work. 员工是否应该 选择领取病假和年薪,而不是暂时的完全残疾津贴; 雇员应签署一份声明,表明这是他们自愿作出的选择 并且意识到他们没有资格领取暂时的完全残疾津贴 在此期间. CorVel will provide benefits to the employee until he/she is released 远离医生的照顾.


   如果你卷入了车祸, 遵循以下说明.


   The agency/institution will be penalized if an employee does not call the 24/7 nurse line before seeking treatment (except for life threatening emergencies).  If reported in 0 – 1 days, the agency/institution is in compliance.  如果在2中报告 days, the agency/institution will receive a warning.  如在2天后或 more, they agency/institution will be issued a $100 penalty. 


     The party employing the attorney must pay the attorney's fees. 法律允许 an attorney to charge up to 20 percent of the payments received. CorVel应该是 notified in writing of the name and address of the employee's attorney.


     Should an employee's 可补偿的 injury result in death, survivors are eligible for certain death benefits under the workers' compensation program. 接收这些 未亡配偶(或其他未亡受抚养人)应与办公室联系 of Environmental 健康与安全 at 931-221-6103. 环境卫生办公室 and 安全 will then forward requested 信息 to CorVel. 一旦信息 已归档并提供了所需的文件,CorVel将能够 以确定雇员的死亡是否与工作有关,如果批准,付款 幸存者将开始.

  1. 员工必须立即通知他或她的主管任何工伤.

  2. 主管将根据工人备案说明报告工伤情况 compensation claim by calling the administrator at the toll free number. 护士 case manager will recommend the plan of treatment.

  3. 环境健康与安全办公室将通过 并在必要时与受伤员工进行协商, 主管,部门管理员,部门管理员(如适用)和 授权治疗医生确定是否建议修改/过渡责任 工作分配是否合适.

  4. 如已确定适当的修改/过渡职责分配,环保署 健康与安全部将与员工联系,讨论任务、任务期限、 有关任务、医疗评估和其他方面的限制和期望 相关信息.

  5. 环境健康与安全办公室将与该员工进行沟通 定期更新并支持员工完成过渡过程.
  6. 所有的医疗预约和受伤员工的受伤/工作状态报告 尽可能由环境健康与安全办公室进行跟踪 并由环境健康与安全办公室传达给员工 supervisor regarding any updates or changes.

  7. 环境健康与安全办公室将审查修订/过渡版 每30个日历天进行一次职责分配,以确定员工是否仍处于过渡阶段 based on the Authorized Treating Physician’s recommendation.

  8. 如果主管在修改/过渡职责分配期间遇到问题, the supervisor shall report such issues to 环境卫生办公室 and 安全. 环境卫生办公室 and 安全 will determine necessary changes or if continuation of the assignment is appropriate.
  9. 在完成修订/过渡职责分配后,环保署 健康与安全部门将协调员工恢复正常工作 employing department and the return to work file will be closed