
Sick Leave Bank Enrollment Opportunity

Every January 1 – 31 & July 1 – 31

病假银行为参与的阿卜苏员工提供额外的假期 在发生严重或灾难性事件时,所有其他休假选择都已用尽 illness of the employee or the employee's immediate family member as defined by 5:020 Leave Policies section III. Family and Medical Leave (i.e. child, spouse or parent). The Sick Leave 银行由大学校长任命的受托人管理.  

员工一旦积累了足够的钱就有资格成为银行的会员 hours for the initial assessment.  Full-time employees 必须 have 22.5 hours (24 hours (如果你是一个每天工作8小时的员工)和兼职员工是一个相应的评估 number of pro-rated hours.  Eligible employees may enroll during the specified open enrollment periods in either January or July each year.

员工必须在注册期间完成注册表格以获得批准 by the Human Resource Office. 形式 are available at the Human Resources website (link 下图).               

Sick Leave Bank Enroll Form

为了有资格享受病假银行时间,员工必须是银行员工 member for 30 calendar days from the date of enrollment. 

每份申请可获得的病假银行最大时数为 an individual is 150 (7.50 hour day x 20 days, pro-rated for part-time). Subsequent 批准休假需要额外提交申请,不得超过450小时 (7.每天50小时× 60天),或675小时(90天× 7.50) for any one illness, or recurring diagnosed illness, or accident. As of January 1, 2014, a 增加了一个新的准则,一个成员可以提取的最大总寿命 request of 330 days (For a 7.5 hour employee the lifetime maximum hours they request is 2,475 hours during their years of employment).   

如需请病假,符合条件的会员必须填写相应的病假申请表 病假银行申请单,由病假银行受托人审核和批准.  如果拒绝请病假,银行成员是否有资格接受捐赠 from other employees as provided in 阿卜苏 Policy 5:020.

注意:必须提供医疗提供者的医疗文件来证明 necessity of the time away from work.  The Sick Bank Request and accompanying medical documentation will be reviewed by the Sick Bank Trustees.

One little known benefit of membership is leave donation.  As a member of the Sick 休假银行,您也可能有资格从其他员工那里获得病假捐赠 阿卜苏.  In order to receive donated leave, you 必须 be a member of the Sick Leave Bank. Employees donating sick leave do not have to be Sick Leave Bank members. To read more on the criteria for giving and/or receiving donated leave please refer to 阿卜苏 Policy 5:020 section XII. Transfer of Sick Leave between Employees.

如果在任何时候病假银行小时数低于最低要求 银行受托人保留对每位会员重新评估其会员资格的权利 适当的金额,以补充银行余额,但不超过(3)天 任何单一课税的成员(兼职按比例分摊). Since the establishment 90年代初对病态银行的重新评估只发生过两次.

退休计划参加者在退休时,可捐出他们的病假余额 to the Sick Leave Bank. 然而,TCRS参与者的病假余额有退休金 value that is calculated as service credits. It is important to try to save these hours if you are in the TCRS plan.


我非常乐意告诉大家病假银行有多棒, 顷刻间,你就会从能够工作变成卧床数周!!! 

As you know I used it recently with my surgery.  While 我是 fortunate enough to “schedule” 我的手术是在一个不那么繁忙的时间,就工作量而言,它仍然是一个手术 但几年前,在一个美丽的, 阳光明媚,春天,星期天早上,我去骑马,发生了意外 我的马摔断了,结果摔断了右腿/脚踝的两根骨头. 我是 taken to the 在医院的急症室,然后直接从急症室做了手术,出院了8周!!!  我从轮椅,到助行器,到拐杖,到拐杖,到步行靴,还有 我不知道如果8周没有工资我该怎么办!!!  I had enough stress 我也不用担心我要怎么付账单..

我告诉每个人,如果他们不在病假,我有机会告诉他们 对我来说,这和我的401K医疗保险一样重要 保险,人寿保险,汽车保险等等,我认为这是一种“保险”。 我没有每月的保险费,但就像保险一样,你可能不需要 除了你真正需要它的那一天,没有什么能取代它的位置!!"

“我是一个相当健康的30多岁的女人,每天锻炼,饮食合理. 大多数 你会认为在健康方面没有什么可担心的吗. 我是 在半程马拉松的训练中,我的心脏开始跳动. 在多次约见医生后,他们不得不切除我的甲状腺. Then 2 months later 我有一个7磅重的东西必须被移除它确实出现在物质中 of a month. 在所有的医生预约之间,我失业了整整8周 and surgeries. 我会告诉所有人,不管你认为自己身材有多好,你永远不会 know what can happen. 我有三个孩子,我丈夫有自己的生意,所以我 carry all the insurance on the family. Without the sick bank we would have probably ended up in really bad shape. After multiple stays in Vanderbilt the bills for travel, 我丈夫和我住在一起的时候,我们不可能付得起房租和伙食费 have made it. 所以,请不要认为你照顾好自己,没有什么会 发生在你身上,只需要一连串的坏运气就能改变你的财务状况 in a short period of time. I hear many people say, I just can’t give up those days, trust me, do it. 从长远来看,你会得到回报的,嘿,如果你很幸运的话 never have to use it, at least it was there just in case.”

五年前,我加入了病假银行,唯一的原因就是“这样更好” to be safe than sorry”.  Now I am so thankful that I did.  After my heart attack, 我有一些并发症,让我无法立即自然地重返工作岗位, 我没有足够的病假或事假来弥补缺勤.  这是 when the sick leave bank came to my rescue! Not only did I receive my regular pay 还有我不在的时候的福利还有工作人员随时待命 paperwork submission an easy process.  All I had to do was submit my leave request and the doctor submitted his report.  I am so thankful that the sick leave bank is an available benefit and that I had an opportunity to join."

“I have found the sick leave bank to be a life saver. 我是 undergoing chemo therapy 在做了两次手术之后,如果我没有病假银行,我就会一贫如洗. 知道我的财务状况没有悬在半空让我安心,因为 of my illness. I recommend it to everyone."

Please contact:
Hannah Allen
Phone: 931-221-7181


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