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Retirement Options for Non-Exempt Employees

TCRS Hybrid Retirement Plan

混合型退休计划由两个重要部分组成:固定收益 由田纳西州联合退休系统(TCRS)和401(k) plan offered through Empower Retirement.


TCRS被公认为全国表现最好的固定收益计划之一 为雇员及其家属提供终身退休、遗属和残疾福利 beneficiaries. 在5年的归属期后,员工才有资格领取 一旦达到年龄要求,退休时每月领取的津贴. The benefit is calculated by the employee’s years of service and salary. The benefit provided by TCRS is a solid foundation for building a retirement future.

Your 401(k)

401(k)计划让你通过投资基金期权来掌控自己的退休生活 of your choice. 你可以立即加入401(k)计划,并决定如何使用你的钱 考虑到你的个人目标、风险承受能力和时间表,是否应该投资. The 你退休后从401(k)账户中得到的金额取决于你有多少钱 储蓄,加上你投资的累积收益.


你的退休金由田纳西州和你共同出资, the member. 国家会把你工资的4%存入TCRS 5% into your 401(k). 作为成员,你向TCRS计划缴纳5%,向401(k)计划缴纳2%. 你对401(k)计划的缴款可以是税前的,也可以是税后的(罗斯) 这意味着你可以选择现在还是退休后对这笔钱征税. 田纳西州提供了一个退休计划,给你一个很好的开始 toward a successful financial future.

Contributions to your Hybrid Retirement Plan
  Employer contributions Member contributions Total contributions
TCRS 4% 5% 9%
401(k) 5% 2% 7%
TOTAL 9% 7% 16%

你的成员对401(k)的缴款每1美元就有资格获得1美元的匹配 在本财政年度,每月向田纳西州401(k)计划提供最多100美元的资金 从2023年7月1日开始,到2024年6月30日结束. That’s a maximum match of $100 per month for contributions of $100 or more! Log into your 401(k) account now at RetireReadyTN.gov.

Learn more about the Hybrid Plan.



2014年7月1日之前聘用的成员属于“遗产计划”,无需缴费 to their defined benefit (TCRS) plan. Members can also participate in the 401(k) and 457 plans. 您的成员对401(k)计划的缴款可以在税前或 税后(罗斯)基础,这意味着你可以选择这笔钱现在是否征税 or in retirement. 您的成员向401(k)的缴款不超过100美元也符合条件 每捐献1美元,每月匹配1美元.

Learn more about the Legacy Plan.


如需安排TCRS会员的退休咨询,请致电RetirementReadyTN call center at (800) 922-7772.


What is a 401(k) plan? 401(k)计划是一项退休储蓄计划,旨在让符合条件的员工 通过储蓄和投资来补充现有的退休和养老金福利 通过自愿递延工资获得税收优惠. You may select from pre-tax and after-tax (Roth 401(k)) deferral options. Pre-tax contributions and any earnings 捐款是延税的,直到钱被取出. Distributions are usually 这是在退休期间拍摄的,当时许多参与者的收入通常较低 而且可能比工作时的所得税率更低. Distributions from pre-tax 供款须缴纳普通所得税. If taken before you reach age 59½, 分配可能需要额外缴纳10%的联邦提前提款税.


What is a Roth 401(k) contribution? 罗斯401(k)计划是401(k)计划下的一个选项,允许符合条件的人 员工可以通过储蓄来补充现有的退休和养老金福利 将税后资金通过自愿的工资延期支付进行投资. Contributions and any 潜在收入在你达到年龄后可以免税分配 在规定的5年持有期过去之后. You have to designate 将401(k)退休计划的全部或部分延期缴费作为罗斯供款.


Log into your 401(k) account now at RetireReadyTN.gov.


The 2024 maximum contribution limit is $23,000. The catch-up contribution is an additional $7,500. 这个最高供款限额是401(k)和403(b)计划的总和。. 


What is a 457 deferred compensation plan? 政府457(b)延期补偿计划(457计划1)是一种退休储蓄 允许符合条件的雇员补充任何现有退休和养老金的计划 通过自愿贡献工资的方式储蓄和投资税前资金,从而获得福利. 供款和供款的任何收益都是递延纳税的,直到提款为止. 分配通常在退休期间进行,此时通常有许多参与者 收入更少,所得税率可能比工作时低. Distributions are subject to ordinary income tax. The early withdrawal penalty does not apply to 457 plan withdrawals. 457递延薪酬计划不提供罗斯期权.


Log into your 401(k) account now at RetireReadyTN.gov.


The 2024 maximum contribution limit is $23,000.  The catch-up contribution is an additional $7,500. 


What is a 403(b) plan? 401(k)和403(b)在设计上非常相似. Both are deferred compensation plans with immediate vesting. 主要区别在于金融机构 participate in the plans. Empower是401(k)计划中唯一的提供者,而 403(b) has the three ORP providers. 因此,雇员可以选择供款 向他们选择的同一金融机构提供补充/自愿资金 for the ORP, should they participate in ORP.


要更改您的403(b)帐户,请填写a 403(b) contribution form or 403(b) termination form and return it to the Benefits office.

The 2024 maximum contribution limit is $23,000.  The catch-up contribution is an additional $7,500.  这个最高供款限额是401(k)和403(b)计划的总和。.










All active higher education employees

All active state employees

Contribution Source

Employee deferrals

Employer and Employee deferrals


Investments are self-directed

Investments are self-directed

Distribution Options

Based on the individual’s account balance. Individuals are eligible to select: single 终身年金,联合年金和遗属年金,一次性付款,定期付款,和 要求最低分配付款等

Based on the individual’s account balance. Individuals are eligible to select:  lump 总付款,定期付款,和要求最低分配付款,其中 others


100% immediate

100% immediate