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Technology Access Fee Guidelines

Issued: December 1, 2017
Responsible Official: AVP/Chief Information Officer
Responsible Office: Office of Information Technology

The Technology Access Fee (TAF) is for direct student benefit that supports a wide array of technology services, resources and improvements that enhance teaching and student success. “Align technology fee use to support planning for growth and expansion and to optimize teaching and learning” in accordance with Objective 3.5.3 of the 365bet Strategic Plan. These include but are not limited to:

• Computers and other technical laboratory supplies, equipment, software and maintenance.
• Technology for classrooms and learning spaces.
• Instructional educational technology and/or related training for faculty/staff which directly impact students in traditional, hybrid or online courses.
• Enterprise infrastructure (wiring, network, servers, internet, etc.).
• Enterprise software that two or more units use and site licenses shared by students, faculty and staff.
• Lab and course staffing for student assistance for technology related to lab and classroom use.
• Renewal and replacement reserves as necessary.
• Technology for supporting student-learning experiences on campus.
• Technology for innovative projects.

Compliance with these guidelines may be audited by internal audit staff and reported to the 365bet Board of Trustees’ Audit Committee as determined by the internal auditor’s annual risk-based planning process or other appropriate means.