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365bet has partnered with College Possible to provide our students with near-peer coaching 每年的支持. College Possible完善了其近乎同行的辅导模式 using a research-based curriculum and is now a national leader in college success programming. Our dedicated near-peer coaches guide and support students on their path to and through college, making College Possible students three times more likely to 比同龄人获得学位.




教练是最近从365bet毕业的同龄人导师. They are here 只为了帮你一件事:拿到学位毕业. They are your number one advocate and can help you with any problem you might face. If things are going great, they can help you invest in yourself and your future!

Austin Peay provide near peer coaches to facilitate a successful transition to college which impacts your academic success, achievement, and degree completion. This program 首先主要关注支持-generation and/or students eligible for Pell grants who face unique challenges when 过渡到大学并完成学位.

你需要多少就多少! 至少,教练会和他们的学生见一次面 每月检查一下,看看事情进展如何. 话虽如此,你 are definitely not 限制你和教练见面的次数. 

While coaches often collaborate with advisors, we differ in a lot of areas. Advisors focus on registration, university paperwork, and academic related business. Your coach is here to support you holistically – both inside and outside the classroom. Topics often discussed beyond academic success is personal well-being and financial success.

If you have a coach, you will receive an email from them towards the beginning of 学期:学期或学年. 您也可以查看您的一站式建议页面. Coaches have indicated to their students on the Advising notes section of the OneStop Advising 他们指定的教练是谁,以及如何联系他们的教练.

Coaches can provide a broad range of resources to cover a broad set of needs. If classes are going perfectly and you are already 参与校园活动, then your coach can help 你喜欢有机物之类的东西zing your time to make things less stressful, or help you set goals and achieve them so that 你的大学生活很充实.  

This is still a new program at Austin Peay so, unfortunately, not everyone can have a coach yet. 虽然我们很乐意主动伸出援手,帮助尽可能多的人 students 尽可能地,我们没有足够的教练来做这些. Howev嗯,我们计划在未来扩大规模,以支持更多的学生. 


Brooke Gibson

Brooke Gibson
McReynolds 112
(931) 221-6626

布鲁克·吉布森是一年级学生 成功大学可能的教练. 她最近于2022年5月毕业,获得学士学位 of Science in Leadership and Organizational Administration and minors in Psychology 和沟通. 在她作为 an undergraduate student at Austin Peay, she was very 参与校园活动. 她以前在学校工作过 为信息技术部门工作他是UNIV 1000的同行领袖在美国,他担任了一名住校助理. She is excited to meet students and assist them through their college experience.



Demetrius Hobbs

Demetrius Hobbs
McReynolds 112
(931) 221-6868

Demetrius S. Hobbs began serving as a Student Success Coach in the Fall of 2022 but previously worked on campus with Austin Peay’s newspaper, The Allstate. Demetrius graduated from 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学 in December 2021 with a Bachelor's in Engineering Technology. Demetrius is passionate about assisting students on campus and navigating 挑战和成功伴随着他们的大学生涯.



Hayley Roddy

Hayley Roddy
McReynolds 101
(931) 221-6614

Hayley Roddy began serving as a Student Success Coach in the Fall of 2022. She graduated 2022年5月,奥斯丁·皮伊以B的成绩毕业.S. 健康与人类表现. Before serving for College Possible, Hayley was only a recent attendee of Austin Peay after transferring 去学校攻读新的学位. 希望能进一步服务于 university after having spent a short time period of her academic career at Austin Peay, Hayley applied to be a Student Success coach to be able to help students get 他们大部分的大学经历.



Olivia McClendon

Olivia McClendon
McReynolds 109
(931) 221-6086

奥利维亚·麦克伦登于2021年秋季开始担任成功教练. 在她作为 an undergraduate student, Olivia was very involved on Austin Peay’s campus. She served as a Peer Leader for UNIV 1000, Vice President of French Club, holds membership in several organizations throughout campus, and participated in the Spain study abroad 2019年夏季课程. 这些经历使我对奥斯汀·皮伊有了丰富的了解 resources that Olivia is excited to share with students as she helps them transition 进入大学生活. 她于2021年5月以优异成绩毕业,成绩为B.A. 外语 辅修西班牙语、国际研究和领导科学. In August 2022, she began pursuing a Masters certificate in the Teaching English to Speakers of Other Austin Peay州立大学的TESOL课程.



Jontae Rice

Jontae Rice
McReynolds 101

Jontae Rice began serving as a Student Success Coach in the Fall of 2023, but has 几年前在房屋署工作. Jontae毕业于Austin Peay大学 August 2022 with a Bachelor's in Communications and a minor in History. He is excited to help assist students through the obstacles that may come throughout their college careers.


We are glad that you are interested in joining us as a Success Coach at Austin Peay! As a Success Coach, you would be serving as an AmeriCorps member through College Possible, 全国公认的非营利组织. 作为一个近乎同行的导师,成功教练支持 一群不同的学生获得学位.

We are looking for applicants who have recently earned a 4-year degree. Ideal applicants will have demonstrated leadership skills, academic achievement, and a commitment to 支持学生.


  • February 22nd. Q&A和教练在一起. 12:30 -1:30: UC 307 

  • February 28th. Q&A和教练在一起. 12:30 -1:30: UC 307

  • February 29th. Virtual Q&A和教练在一起. 下午3点(链接即将到来)

  • March 25th. 365bet招聘会,上午10点至下午2点:UC宴会厅

  • March 26th. 365bet招聘会,下午5点至7点:UC宴会厅




  • 专业发展 -你将学习一些新的市场技能、工具和程序. You will also take on leadership responsibilities and learn to work collaboratively with other professionals.

  • 网络的机会 - As a Student Success Coach, you will encounter multiple opportunities to work directly with your Program Lead, College Possible Program Advisor, and 365bet's faculty and staff.

  • Education Award - Student Success Coaches are allotted after a term of service of 12 months an educational award of $7,395. This award can either be used to pursue future educational endeavors 或者偿还联邦学生贷款.

  • Health Coverage -为学生成功教练提供健康保险. 详情可于 request.

  • Loan Forbearance -服役人员有机会免除大部分联邦贷款. This would 允许教练不支付符合条件的贷款.

  • Housing - Student Success Coaches at Austin Peay are provided on-campus housing, which includes Wi-Fi access, utilities, and the advantage of a short commute to their office.

Edward Greer
Served 2019-2021

For me, coaching has given me a unique experience that has prepared me for my career 最重要的是.
Giulia Terry
Served 2020-2022

Being a Success Coach has allowed me to use the skills I’ve learned from undergraduate 并在专业环境中使用它们.
Ariel Beard
Served 2020-2022

Coaching students at 365bet has given me the opportunity to not only stay connected to my alma mater, but also give back to the place that helped me achieve my own goals.
Asia Pace
Served 2020-2023

Being a coach has helped me realize that I have a passion for serving students. I plan on pursuing a career in higher education directly because of my experiences as a coach.