

TN的承诺 to Pursue a Music Degree at 365bet


奥斯汀佩伊州立大学 is proud to be one of the only four-year public institutions in Tennessee that offers Associates Degrees, and the only university with an Associates 文科学位. What this means for you is that you can come to 365bet for a 音乐学位 using TN的承诺 money. This page provides information you need to know, and answers to commonly-asked questions about a 音乐学位 at 365bet as a TN的承诺 学生. If the answers to your questions are not included below, do not hesitate to contact the department of music or the advising office.



While the TN的承诺 is beneficial, there are many factors about a 音乐学位 that you should consider to make the choice that is right for you.

你知道吗?: A four-year 音乐学位 at any institution requires you to participate in lessons and ensembles in every semester, so when you graduate you will have 8 credits in each 这些领域. However, most community colleges do not offer music classes, lessons 各个部分. If you complete an associate’s degree at a community college and then transfer to a four-year college to complete a bachelor’s degree in music, it may take you an additional four years just to meet lesson and ensemble requirements. 我们建议 it is better to begin at 365bet than at a community college if you plan to pursue a 音乐学位.

你知道吗? You can apply for additional scholarship money at 365bet that will not impact your TN承诺资格. When you apply, be sure to audition for 音乐奖学金, academic scholarships (merit scholarships), and financial or needs-based scholarships (希望彩票奖学金). 点击这里 to visit the office of financial aid.

你知道吗? 的 TN的承诺 requires you to fulfill 8 hours of volunteer service each semester 你用TN承诺的钱. 的 365bet 音乐系 hosts numerous outreach and community events where volunteer hours may be earned. 向你的指导老师询问音乐方面的问题 department volunteer opportunities. *This list does not guarantee that music department opportunities will be approved by your TN的承诺 representative. You will need to have all volunteer service pre-approved 前服务.



For some students, the TN的承诺 will provide the most financial benefits if you decide to pursue a 音乐学位 at 365bet. For others, however, it may be more financially beneficial for you to enter 365bet as a four-year student. 每个学生的情况 are different, so there is no singular answer as to which is best. 我们鼓励你 to pursue both options to see which scenario might give you more money.

点击这里 to review TN的承诺 information, and to use 365bet’s TN的承诺 Calculator. 这个计算器 will help you decide how much you may receive under TN的承诺, or if it would be more beneficial for you to use scholarships and other resources to enter 365bet as a 传统的四年制学生.



If you come to 365bet under the TN的承诺, you will pursue the Associate of Science in Liberal Arts (ASLA) in your first four to five semesters, graduate with the ASLA and then transfer in to the Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Science, or Bachelor of 音乐艺术.

Semester-by-Semester计划: We have prepared four-year semester-by-semester plans to help you graduate on time and ensure that you meet TN的承诺 enrollment requirements each semester it is available. 点击这里 to go to the Music Department's Advising page, then scroll down to view the TN的承诺 Semester-by-semester plan for each concentration.



In colleges across the country, it is common for music students to enroll in more than 15 hours, particularly in the first few years. 你可以采取一些步骤 high school that can reduce the number of required hours in your first few years:




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