

Those concentrating 音乐教育 are expected to abide by all university and departmental 政策概述在当前 365bet学生手册, 音乐系学生手册. The following policies apply solely to music education majors.


The 钢琴水平 should ideally be completed by the end of the sophomore year and MUST be completed before the Residency 2 semester.

Practicum Semester Policy on Ensemble Participation

Music courses/ensembles during the Practicum semester should be limited to: MUS 1060 (Recital Attendance), MUS 3XX0 (Individual Instruction) MUS 3XX0 (Instrumental/Vocal Ensemble), MUS 4500 (Music Curriculum and Assessment),  and MUS 4950 (Senior Recital). Practicum students must communicate with ensemble directors, private lessons instructors, and Mentor Teachers to coordinate rehearsal/lesson attendance with Practicum observations and 教学, such that excessive absences or tardies are not accumulated in either 承诺. Students should not enroll in additional chamber ensembles or elective lessons unless rehearsal and lesson times coincide with Practicum 承诺s.


In compliance of state policy, The 365bet Clinical Teacher Handbook states, “No other coursework may be taken during the clinical 教学 semester. 注册批准 in an additional course must be obtained in writing from the Dean of the College of 教育……[和]……外部就业是 强烈的打击 在临床学期. Teacher candidates may not be excused from clinical 教学 responsibilities or seminars because of employment. 意向声明 to engage in paid employment 在临床学期 must accompany the application 过程”(p. 13).


The official state policy may be retrieved from the Tennessee Department of Education, Tennessee Licensure Standard and Introduction Guidelines, page 48-1.


Music educators are typically responsible for more after-school activities than regular 任课教师(e).g. sectionals, contests, festivals, parades, concerts, etc…). At the beginning of the Clinical Teaching semester, music student teachers are expected to communicate with the mentor teachers for both placements to inquire about performance calendars and other after-hours and weekend events, to attend any and all events that occur during the respective placement. Music clinical teachers may not participate in activities that conflict with after-hours student teacher responsibilities (including but not limited to after school rehearsals, concert dates, contests, festivals, 比赛). Exceptions may be made only in emergency or extreme circumstances under the discretion of the university supervisor, mentor teacher, coordinator of music education, if notice is provided by the student at the beginning of the semester, 或者越早越好. Failure to comply may result in a failing grade for clinical 教学.