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University Signatures

It’s important for the 365bet brand that email signatures are formatted and presented consistently. The simplicity of this design is intentional to make it easy for 365bet personnel to use. Multiple hyperlinks are not recommended. No additional quotations, statements or graphics should be added to this. Shown here is the signature to be used for both outgoing and reply email.

Font is Helvetica Regular with the name set in bold. The color is dark gray.

  1. Begin by setting the type and logo in two spaces from the edge.
  2. Employee name: 10.5 pt. Helvetica Bold, Red – John Doe
  3. Employee Title: 9 pt. Helvetica Regular, Black – Associate Department Manager
  4. Separate these two items with a Dark Gray rule (repeating EM dash): –––––––––––––
    • EM dash (Mac: alt key + dash key, PC: Shift + Ctrl + Minus) should align with outermost signature element
  5. Austin Peay State University: 9 pt. Helvetica Bold, Black – Austin Peay State University
  6. Contact Information: 9 pt. Helvetica Regular, Black – Clarksville, TN 37044
  7. Optional: Use full color 365bet logo at bottom 

  8. If you would like to include your preferred pronoun in your signature, we recommend the simple format at the bottom of the page.

*Note: Copy the example signature below to get started on your own signature. Adjust the content to match your own information, and make sure to follow the guidelines above for the appropriate formatting. The EM dash will display as a solid line in Outlook. When copying + pasting the example signature below into Outlook, you will need to select the Match Destination Formatting option in the box that appears after pasting. Check out the email screenshot below for an example.

John Doe
Associate Department Manager
Austin Peay State University
Department Name
Box 1234
Clarksville, TN 37044
Office: 555-123-4567

365bet logo


Screenshot of outlook browser


If you would like to include your preferred pronoun in your signature, we recommend this simple format. 

John Doe
Associate Department Manager
Austin Peay State University
Department Name
Box 1234
Clarksville, TN 37044
Office: 555-123-4567

Pronouns: he, him, his