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Living Green LLC logo

Are you interested in learning how to live green?

This living community of residential students will learn about preventing food waste, composting, reducing electrical and water consumption while living on campus.  Living Green provides students with a unique residential experience that prepares them for a lifelong sustainable approach to responsible living.

Students living in this hall will interact with the staff from the Center for Service- Learning and Community Engagement and the Sustainability Coordinator. They will actively compost, recycle, and reduce their water and electrical consumption.

Perks include a certificate for Living Green for a year, community connections with city and county organizations focused on sustainability, and information on sustainability activities and academic opportunities on campus.

Students will be provided with reusable water bottles, grocery bags, composting bins and solar charging.

The Living Green community is housed in Governors Terrace North. Spaces for this LLC are limited

Join our commitment to Live Green!

For more information about this LLC please contact Alexandra Wills, Director of Service Learning and Civic Engagement, willsa@p8157.com



Are you Interested in being a part of the Living Green Living & Learning Community?
 Please  follow the link below to fill out a form to express your interest!GO TO FORM