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2023-24 Student Handbook 

About 365bet

Section photo for handbook

The About 365bet section includes the following:

President Licari

Dear student:

Welcome to Austin Peay. 你现在是州长了,也就是说你是一个网络的一部分 学生,教师,员工和校友致力于你的成功! For nearly 一个世纪以来,我们的校园为一代又一代的学生提供了一个安全、养育的家园 去发现他们是谁,他们在这个更大的世界中属于哪里.

奥斯汀皮伊是一个发现人才、开启事业和回忆的地方 are forged. Please make the most of your time here. Get involved in campus life, make 结交新朋友,挑战自己,走出自己的舒适区. Make the 2023-24 academic year a time of wonderful new experiences; make it the foundation of the life you want. 祝你今年愉快,如果你看到我或我妻子柯尔斯顿,请说 make sure to say hello.

Let’s Go Peay!

Mike Licari, 365bet president

The Basics

Gov. Austin Peay: 奥斯汀·皮伊在1923年至1927年担任田纳西州州长,也是克拉克斯维尔的一员 favorite sons. 4月26日,他签署了一项建立奥斯汀·皮伊师范学校的法律, 1927. 虽然365bet本身有96年的历史,高等学府 have occupied the campus's location since 1806.

Campus and enrollment: 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学由超过75座建筑组成,占据了三个地点 637 acres. 这些地点包括市中心的365bet,奥斯汀皮伊中心 在坎贝尔堡校区和农场与环境教育中心.
奥斯汀皮伊继续成为田纳西州公立大学增长的领导者. 我们的学生来自田纳西州的每个地区,50个州中的许多州和几个州 countries.

The Govs: 在婴儿期的校际比赛中,奥斯汀·皮伊的运动代表 were often called “Normalites” or “Warriors.” The present “Governors” tag surfaced around 1937, probably as a tribute to Gov. Austin Peay.

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奥斯汀佩伊州立大学坐落在一个城市校园,已经被用于 educational purposes for more than 217 years. Seven colleges previously called the campus home:

Rural Academy
Mount Pleasant Academy
Clarksville Academy
Masonic College
Montgomery Co. Masonic College
Stewart College
Southwestern Presbyterian University         
Austin Peay Normal School
Austin Peay State College
Austin Peay State University

Harned Hall, pictured top middle, 这张1935年左右的航拍照片中唯一屹立不倒的建筑是什么.

这所大学最初是奥斯汀皮伊师范学校,当时它是两年制的 二、依国会法案之专科学校及师范培训机构 1927 and named in honor of Gov. Austin Peay, who was serving his third term in office when the school was established. In 1939, the state board of education authorized 这所学校开设了一门理科学士学位课程. The 学位是在1942年春季毕业典礼上首次授予毕业班的. By Act of the Tennessee Legislature of Feb. 4, 1943, the name of the school was changed to Austin Peay State College. In 1951, the state board authorized the College to confer 文学学士学位,并于1952年提供硕士研究生学习 of Arts in Education. 经过几十年的发展,它最终成为了一所大学 becoming a university in 1967. Today, Austin Peay has transformed into a major regional 高等教育的提供者,大学现在提供两个博士学位 – a Doctor in Education (Ed.D.) in educational leadership and a Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) in counseling psychology.


John S. Ziegler                                                
Philander P. Claxton
Halbert Harvill
Earl E. Sexton (Acting)
September-December 1962
Joe Morgan
Robert O. Riggs
Oscar C. Page
Richard G. Rhoda (Interim)
July-October 1994
Sal D. Rinella
Sherry L. Hoppe (Interim)
Sherry L. Hoppe
Timothy L. Hall
Alisa R. White
Dannelle F.W. Whiteside (Interim)
August 2020-March 2021
Michael J. Licari
2021- present
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Mission Statement

奥斯汀佩伊州立大学是一所使命驱动,具有社区意识的机构 通过创新,创造性和学术活动提供转型经验. 我们欢迎并激励一个包容的学习者社区,以产生积极的影响 regionally and globally.

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Vision Statement

我们将成为该地区那些寻求改善生活的人的首选大学. 我们将通过以学生为中心的教学、独特的发展来实现这一愿景 机遇和我们对创新研究和公共服务的关注.


我们是一个重视个人成长和终身参与的协作社区 通过促进诚信和学术卓越.

Academic Excellence: 通过提供有意义和实用的学习机会,高素质 and dedicated faculty and staff.
Integrity: By maintaining an honest, fair and credible environment.
Community: 在一个所有人都受到欢迎和重视的环境中促进学习.
Personal Growth: 通过为所有总监提供知识、工具和资源来达到他们的目标 full potential.
Life-Long Engagement: 通过提供服务,项目和经验,促进忠诚,自豪感和相互 support.
Collaboration: 通过增值项目丰富我们的本地、区域和全球社区, strategic partnerships and meaningful service.

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Alma Mater: “All Hail to Austin Peay”

All Hail our Alma Mater,

All Hail to Austin Peay,

Forever faithful to thy standards will we ever be,

We love thy campus beauty, serene in dignity,

And so we proudly sing this song in praise of thee,

All Hail, All Hail,

We sing in praise of thee,

We love our Alma Mater,

All Hail to Austin Peay.

Words and music by Dr. 亚伦·施密特,音乐教授和乐队指挥,1956-87年

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Fight Song: “Smash! Bang!”

Smash! Bang! To victory

Go the Governors of Austin Peay

Clash! Clang! It’s misery

For the minions of the Enemy

Fight on and

Smash! Bang! to Score Again

For it’s ready, set 1, 2, 3!

Smash Bang! Biff Bam! Clash Clang! Rim Ram!

Dash along to Victory!

Let’s Go Peay!  

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Govs Creed

“作为奥斯汀佩伊州立大学社区的一员,我同意采取行动 个人和学术诚信,同时与我的同学,老师互动 and staff members. 我将要求自己对互动的各个阶段负责. 我将尊重所有人的尊严,欣赏和赞美一种氛围 of diversity. I will contribute to the greater good of the community. I will take pride in Austin Peay State University.”

— Established by the SGA Student Tribunal in 2008

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Contact Information

学院街601号                                                   电子邮件:gov@p8157.com
电话:931-221-7011办公时间:上午8点.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday


IMPORTANT: About This Handbook

政策,程序和程序的365bet不断检讨. Every effort 是为了确保本手册在……时代表了准确的信息 发布,但不能保证其中包含的信息不会 change. 本手册不构成大学与学校之间的合同 student. 365bet可取消或撤销本手册的任何部分,恕不另行通知. The University 保留根据要求或需要更改日期、节目、活动的权利。 政策、法规和规章,以及确定其生效日期等 changes. 不阅读本手册并不免除学生遵守规定。 requirements, procedures and policies described herein.