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Frequently Asked Questions

我们知道你会对双重注册、表格、程序等有疑问. We have created this list of FAQs which answers the most common questions; however, we 我们随时为您提供帮助,如果您需要任何帮助,请与我们联系:(931) 221-7175 or govnow@p8157.com

For Prospective Students

双重招生允许你注册大学课程并同时获得高中课程 and college credit for that course. With joint enrollment you receive ONLY college credit for the course. Throughout this website, we will use term "dual enrollment" to refer to both.

 365bet对你可以选修的课程数量没有限制,但是双注册 补助金每学期只适用于两门课程,每学年最多适用于四门课程. You'll need to submit an overload request form in some cases.


Yes, but online classes might not be your first choice. Ask yourself these important questions before you enroll in an online class:

  • 我是否足够自律,在整个学期中经常检查我的课程 least three times a week)?
  • Can I work independently?
  • Do I have access to a high speed Internet connection?

 Yes. 然而,坎贝尔堡奥斯汀皮伊中心(Austin Peay Center @ Fort Campbell)采用了不同的学术模式 日历,所以一定要检查这些课程是否仍然适合你的高中时间表. To get more information about the Center, go to http://4xy.p8157.com/mva/apfc/ or contact the Dual Enrollment office.



 亚利桑那州立大学的CMCSS中学与亚利桑那州立大学的双招生计划不同 在365bet上,学生们既上大学课,也上高中课 365bet campus. 365bet中级学院的录取只接受申请 仅限于目前就读CMCSS高中的学生. More information is found at the Clarksville Montgomery County School System website, including contact information.


The application fee for dual or joint enrollment is waived. If you later apply for 作为一名新生入学,你将被要求支付申请费用 that time.


居住在肯塔基州艾伦、卡洛韦、克里斯蒂安、洛根、托德等县的学生 or Trigg are not charged out-of-state tuition. If you are not within an easy driving 在距离365bet校园课程的距离,你可以选择参加在线课程 dual credit.

如果你是来自美国以外的非公民,你将被要求支付 the out-of-state rate.


只有当你在365bet中心@ Fort上课时,才能获得军事折扣 Campbell (level 1000 through 2000 courses only). The dual enrollment tuition rate 实际上是一个更好的价值和不限于1000和2000级别的课程.

请注意,在填写入学申请时,你必须完成这两项 第15条(居住)和22条(现役/退伍军人/家庭成员)的申请 为了使您的帐户正确编码并应用折扣.

For Current Students

 365bet对你可以选修的课程数量没有限制,但是双注册 补助金每学期只适用于两门课程,每学年最多适用于四门课程. You'll need to submit an overload request form in some cases.


Yes, but online classes might not be your first choice. Ask yourself these important questions before you enroll in an online class:

  • 我是否足够自律,在整个学期中经常检查我的课程 least three times a week)?
  • Can I work independently?
  • Do I have access to a high speed Internet connection?

The requirement for textbooks varies by class and instructor. Textbook expenses are not 由田纳西州双重入学补助金或365bet支付,并承担经济责任 of the student.

许多由高中教师讲授的双招生课程都是用教科书讲授的 由高中提供,这意味着很可能没有自掏腰包的教科书费用 for a student. 

所有其他课程-在线课程,主校园课程,合作授课课程 地点,以及访问你高中的365bet讲师所教的课程 require textbooks that students must purchase or rent.

许多在线课程使用自动加载到D2L的数字教科书, but not all do. 请向您的指导老师询问有关教科书访问的说明 online courses. 如果你的D2L里装了一本数字教科书,就会有一个自动的 charge placed on your student account for the textbook cost. 

学生有责任使用位于 他们的一站式网络自助服务,以确定他们的任何课程的教科书需求 which you are enrolled. When in doubt, reach out to your instructor to confirm your textbook needs.

 Yes. 然而,坎贝尔堡奥斯汀皮伊中心(Austin Peay Center @ Fort Campbell)采用了不同的学术模式 日历,所以一定要检查这些课程是否仍然适合你的高中时间表. To get more information about the Center, go to http://4xy.p8157.com/mva/apfc/ or contact the Dual Enrollment office.




CRN stands for Course Registration Number.

这是注册系统中的一个数字,专门标识a的特定部分 course for which you wish to register. CRNs for online/on campus courses can be found in the class schedule at AP Web Self Service > Student > Registration > Look Up Classes.

在高中或地区合作地点举办的双招生课程的crn will not 出现在课程安排中,以防止其他学生注册 class; 365bet representatives will provide the CRN for those cases.

 如果您想注册的课程显示已满,您可以联系讲师 to see about getting permission to register. He/she will need to submit an override 表格,如果有额外的空位,你可以进入课堂. You may 如果你想联系双招生办公室,他们会帮助你联系 instructor.

 你要负责自己往返课堂的交通. When you schedule 你的双注册课程,一定要考虑到上课所需的时间 准时,包括找到停车位和步行去上课的时间.

 当你在365bet主校区上课时,需要停车贴. The cost 该贴花的一部分包含在你的校园费用中(双注册的学费可以免除) students); instructions on obtaining a decal and other information can be found at http://4xy.p8157.com/police/parking. 

To see designated parking locations, go to http://4xy.p8157.com/map for an interactive campus map and a printable parking map.

了解你的大学成绩和财务状况会发生什么是很重要的 aid during the different withdraw periods. Depending on when you drop a class, you 可能会面临几种不同的情况,不限于自付的钱 田纳西双重入学补助不会支付的学费,或者你可以参加 the mandatory F period. The withdraw calendar is sent to students via e-mail at the beginning of each Fall and Spring semester. The dates are posted on the main 365bet website here. 如果你打算退课,请联系双注册办公室 we can help you understand your options.

For Previous Students

 Please click here for instructions on how to request your transcript.


Click here to learn how to pay your bill.

Congratulations! 请关注您的365bet邮件,了解如何申请 your diploma. 双招生协会的学生被邀请在我们的八月散步 commencement ceremony. The reason for this is because we must have your final high 存档的成绩单,以便颁发毕业证书,以及我们五月的毕业典礼 takes place prior to high school transcripts being finalized. 
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