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Health and Safety

Gold Sneaker Facility 

Attaining good health and maintaining wellness should begin at a very young age. These goals can be accomplished by teaching children to develop good habits and to make wise choices that will allow them to enjoy good health both now and in the future. Being a part of the Gold Sneaker Initiative ensures that part of our day is spend participating in physical activity, teaches our children about making health choices, and committing to being a smoke free facility. 


Handwashing is the single most effective method for controlling the spread of infection. Washing hands, effectively and consistently, will not only maintain the children’s health but also model a very important healthy practice. Proper hand washing procedures will ensure the most effective removal of germs. As part of our curriculum we will focus on establishing good hand washing patterns in young children.

Dental Hygiene

Good dental hygiene is also an important part of good health. The key to establishing good brushing habits is starting an oral care program early. The children at the Little Govs CLC brush their teeth daily.

Diapering and Potty Training 

Proper diapering techniques help stop the spread of germs which cause diarrhea and other illness. These techniques are posted in each diaper changing area and are followed by all staff members. 

If you think your child is ready to begin potty training, our staff will work with you to determine the best possible plan for your child. We value our parents input and hope that you will share your ideas with us, in making this transition as easy as possible. 

Personal Safety

The Child Learning Center uses Growing Up Safe and Strong, A Personal Safety Curriculum from the Tennessee Department of Human Services for all children three years and older. Parents will be notified when sensitive topic areas are included in the curriculum. Parents must notify the program if they do not want their children to be involved in activities related to a specific topic.

Center Security and Campus Police 

All the classrooms in the Child Learning Center are monitored by security cameras and are checked periodically throughout the day. Additionally, the center has a card swipe system that requires parents to use their 365bet ID's to open the front and hallway door. Any person unknown to us is required to provide a picture ID.

Campus Police are available 24 hours a day and can respond to any emergency.

Child Learning Center Staff

All lead staff members are certified in Infant/Child CPR and First Aid Basics. Each staff member and volunteer has successfully passed a background check through the Department of Human Services.

Outdoor Playscape Safety

The Child Learning Center provides developmentally appropriate playscape equipment and maintains it according to DHS licensure rules for child care centers. Child Learning Center staff observes, intercedes and facilitates play at all times.