


The bedrock of science is experimentation and observation. Research cannot be taught; 这是必须做的. Undergraduate student research is an important link between the classroom 而研究生院的研究是培养科学家的关键因素.

允许本科生在化学教授的指导下进行研究 students to work on real scientific problems. Students experience the difficulties of devising and performing experiments to probe the unknown. 他们是 given the opportunity 品尝发现的快感,并通过演讲分享他们的工作 美国化学学会,田纳西州科学院,365bet研究所 Forum, and similar meetings of scientists.

2017 研讨会 Presenters and 教师
学生在化学系2017年春季本科生研究报告 研讨会.

Chemistry Research Classes

Chemistry 2940: Introduction to Research- Lecture

Chemistry 2941: Introduction to Research- Laboratory

Chemistry 4941: Elements of Research

Chemistry 4990: Research Thesis


Some of the current research topics or areas are briefly described below. 更多的 请访问讲师的主页或通过 提供的电邮地址.

Dr. 凯莉·布伦南
Dr. 凯莉·布伦南 does a wide variety of analytical and materials research! 她特别 works with electrochemistry, environmental chemistry, and glass thin films. 来看看 her if you are interested. 

Dr. 艾伦Chaparadza
他对基于固体材料的技术装置很感兴趣 chemical, physical or electronic properties. Their group is involved in basic research, 哪些解决了影响化学材料使用的基本问题和挑战 传感器,环境修复,生物材料和金属基纳米复合材料 structural reinforcement. Current research interests include photoelectrical CO2 fixing 利用氧化基光电二极管、纳米结构材料进行生物医学成像、开发 用于抗生物或化学净化的光反应性半导体氧化物 金属离子探测传感器和金属基纳米复合材料的应用、发展 for structural reinforcement. 

Dr. 科迪卡温顿
他在计算化学方面有许多研究兴趣,从性质 of small molecules to large surfactant and protein systems. 他愿意接受 在任何项目中,尽管他目前的项目是关于光电子圆二色性的, 氢通过石墨烯的传输和掺杂锡的电子特性 氧化. Dr. Covington also maintains several computer codes, so any students interested 在编码方面可以做出贡献.

Dr. 柴那Haratipour
她的研究兴趣主要围绕计算结构建模 以及靶蛋白的虚拟配体筛选,特别关注核 受体蛋白. Our 目标 is to identify suitable ligands for these target proteins through in silico docking simulations involving a large compound library. 这个过程 使我们能够精确地选择几个具有最高结合亲和力的化合物. 此外,我们还采用分子动力学模拟来评估其稳定性 配体-蛋白质复合物,并研究配体如何影响蛋白质的结构 动力学. 

Dr. 莱斯利Hiatt
她的团队正致力于开发一种检测复合物中尼古丁的方法 e-cigarette samples using electrochemistry and colorimetry. 该试验方法可以应用 commercially to help small stores demonstrate the quality of their product. 他们是 同时采用高效液相色谱和气相色谱法测定尼古丁 用标定曲线定量分析电子烟的质量控制. 和博士一起. Mann, they are also working to synthesize new carotenoids with fast electron transfer properties. After these new compounds are made, instrumental 将对这些产物进行分析,看看这些新分子是否可以 作为一种更快、更节能的电致变色器件 技术.

Dr. 麦奇曼
Dr. Mann’s research lies in the field of chemical toxicology. Her students do research 就精油而言,精油行业提出的医学主张,以及毒理学 effects of essential oils. Projects have included studying the estrogenic effects 薰衣草精油对MCF-7乳腺癌细胞的影响,以及最近对其成分的分析 以乳香油确定乳香酸是否为乳香酸分子 anti-cancer properties, are found in the oil as well as the resin. 教学项目 包括环境毒性的介绍和它所需要的伦理有机 以新颖的化学实验以及对学生的有机教学多面性 化学概念.

Dr. 弗雷德·马修斯
研究Fischer酯化法生产各种乙酸己酯,然后进行物理反应 and spectroscopic analyses, especially 1D and 2D NMR studies. 产品将是 使用bp、折射率、GLC、GCMS、IR、PMR、CMR、GATEDEC、DEPT45、 DEPT90, DEPT135, DEPTQ135, COSY, HSQC and HMBC NMR experiments.

Dr. 阿派内芝
她对植物中化合物的提取、分离和表征感兴趣 药用植物. Her group is working on extracting compounds from cinnamon bark using distillation and chromatography techniques. Then they will characterize isolated compounds using NMR and IR instruments.

Dr. 罗宾·里德
他的研究兴趣是蛋白质激酶和可能与特异性蛋白质结合的蛋白质 细胞中的激酶. These enzymes catalyze the transfer of the g-phosphate from ATP to specific serine, threonine or tyrosine residues of target proteins. 特别的 我们感兴趣的是环核苷酸依赖性蛋白激酶,PKA和PKG,以及它们的 involvement in signal transduction pathways. One technique used to isolate proteins that bind to PKA or PKG is cAMP-agarose chromatography. Student researchers in his 实验室最近证实了一种这样的camp -琼脂糖结合蛋白是核苷 二磷酸激酶(NDPK),负责将磷酸基团转移到 various phosphorylated forms of the nucleotides. His group is now trying to determine the number of subunits it has in its natural complex state. 他们使用西方的 印迹,柱层析和天然凝胶电泳来完成这一点 目标.

Dr. 丽莎•沙利文
她的团队正在研究低温合成钨酸锆(ZrW)的方法2O8) which shows isotropic negative thermal expansion. Prepared nano-particulate ZrW2O8 将聚合物薄膜掺入到复合材料中去会有什么效果呢 controllable thermal expansion. 他们是 also investigating a novel synthetic preparation 纳米颗粒银的制备及其抑菌效果的研究.

Summer Research Experiences

REU: Summer is an excellent time to do research. Summer REU's can be applied toward your 365bet chemistry degree.  The National Science Foundation (NSF) funds many research opportunities at schools across the United States. To find NSF funded REUs that you can apply for, check out this link: NSF REUs. 有关申请这些课程的更多信息,请联系任何化学系.

▽UREF =大学生研究充实基金代替了总统研究基金 Scholars and Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Programs. The UREF Program provides 为支持学术和创造性活动的学生和教师团队提供高达3000美元的资助.  Funds can be used to support project-related expenses (equipment, supplies, etc.), 学生津贴和/或旅费,以及高达500美元的专业发展基金 教师导师. Contact our department chair or chemistry faculty for more information.

艾瑞丝:博士. 布伦南 is working with the Physics Department on a three-year, $300,000 国际学生研究经验(IRES)由国家科学基金资助 该基金会将派遣18名奥斯汀佩伊州立大学STEM学院的学生 to universities in the Czech Republic, France, and Poland. If you are interested in learning more about this opportunity, contact Dr. 布伦南. 

实习:Contact Dr. Sullivan to learn about internship oppurtunities.