

如果您有任何问题,请查看 旅游常见问题解答 或致电931-221-7373与杰拉尔丁·加纳联系 garnerg@p8157.com.

This overview has been designed as a guide for any 365bet employee or group designated 去旅行. 请注意,政策和报销率可能会发生变化 并将在《365bet》中更新. 有人需要进一步了解吗? 资料要看官方 旅行规定4:15.



旅行 that may be authorized, and pursuant to which expense may be reimbursed, shall 限于以下内容:

  1. 旅行 that is necessary for the proper execution of official 365bet educational, research, 或其他机构目标;

  2. 旅行 to and from meetings and conferences of a professional nature, which will increase 在职雇员对大学的有用性;

  3. 旅行 by prospective employees may be reimbursable based on the provisions of the 旅游政策. 作为新聘教员而产生差旅费的人员应 request reimbursement based on this policy and in the amounts authorized in the referenced 政策.

Reimbursement for travel 费用 shall be allowed only for actual 费用 incurred, subject to the maximum limitations shown on 差旅费报销率表. Original receipts must accompany claims for reimbursement for all 费用 cited on 差旅费报销率表. 这条规则的例外是吃饭, 出租车费、过路费及渡轮费,无须收据. 须提供住宿收据 并且必须详细列出房间费用和税金.


Verbal permission is sufficient only if your destination is within Tennessee, and 不要求预付款,差旅费也不由补助金支付. 一个授权 of 旅行 (TA) is required if a travel advance is requested for any portion of travel (whether in state or out of state), travel will be funded by a grant, or the travel 目的地不在状态.  助教必须在商务办公室存档两周 计划出发前. 




Normally, travel 费用 should be paid when incurred by an employee, with reimbursement made to the employee for actual 费用 upon proper submission of a claim for travel 费用. 在这种情况下,可以预支员工的旅行费用 下面列出:

  1. 永久旅游预支 - 参见旅行政策 详细说明.
  2. 临时旅游预支 - When temporary travel is authorized the employee may receive an advance, provided a request for the advance, including estimated 费用, is submitted to the appropriate 批准权限和被批准. 相当于估计金额的百分之八十的金额 支出将作为预支. 不过,预付款不能少于100美元 被制成. 学生在个人授权下旅行或员工旅行 with a student or students who is responsible for disbursing all funds for the trip 可以预支授权金额的100%吗.


Corporate 卡s are made available to designated employees, with the employees personally responsible to the company issuing the 卡 for all amounts charged to the corporate 卡. 这些卡的申请可以在人力资源部门找到.


All travel must be by the most direct or expeditious route possible, and any employee 走间接路线的人必须承担由此产生的任何额外费用.


In-state and out-of-state lodging 费用 incurred while on authorized travel will 在旅费报销率表上最高可报销. 销售 住宿费用的税可以报销. 在该地点住宿的费用更高 of a convention or conference will be allowed, without special approval, up to the 在大会或会议手册中标明的金额.  大会或会议 brochure that indicates the lodging rates must be included with the travel claim.


Meals while on authorized travel will be reimbursed, subject to the meal allowance 旅费报销费率表规定. 每日最高费率包括 固定的伙食费和杂费津贴&I). M&比率,或者分数 其费用由旅行者支付,无须列明费用或收据. 杂费 are intended to include miscellaneous costs associated with travel such as tips for 搬运行李,给家里打电话等等.



申请的标准表格 差旅费报销 用于报销费用. 这张表格必须显示费用明细 on a daily basis, be typed or completed in ink, signed by the employee and be approved 由适当的批准机构在报销前批准. 旅行签名 索赔必须是原件. 必须附上有关费用的收据正本 到表单. 差旅费报销的申请不应迟交 旅行结束后30天以上. 在此期间之后提出的索赔必须 包括对延迟的书面解释.


的 maximum reimbursement rates for in-state and out-of-state travel are the same as those maintained by the US General Services Administration for federal employees 在美国大陆(CONUS)内.


的 CONUS list contains a standard reimbursement rate for lodging, meals and incidentals 还有几页的例外. 大多数州外旅行的目的地都在这个范围内 例外列表. CONUS名单可在总务管理局找到 网站: http://www.gsa.gov/portal/category/21287


标准里程费率            美国国税局商业标准里程税率
礼貌的车辆                      $0.325 /英里
无收据最高停车费            $8.00 /天
处理设备/prm材料的费用                  $20.00 /酒店 


Reimbursement of meals will not be permitted unless overnight travel is involved.

旅行费用计算器 helps you claim your 费用 by using the historical exchange rates in effect on 您的收据日期,并集成隐藏的外汇费用.


Travel Forms 

旅行授权 (PDF)

差旅费报销 (Excel)