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Dr. Buckner's In-Class Videos

Universe Size Comparison Youtube            Journey to the Big Bang WMAP

One Small Step Restored            Epicyclic Motions          Copernican System

Apollo 15 Law of Falling Bodies       Newton's 3rd Law on the ISS

Mechanical Universe and Beyond videos

Newton's Cannon          Shoemaker-Levy 9 Visualization  

Shoemaker-Levy 9 Fireball      Shoemaker-Levy 9 Impact

Doppler Train Whistle        Doppler Car Horn    Doppler Race Cars

High Mass X-ray Binary           White Dwarf Binary

Black Hole Eats Neutron Star       Galactic Black Hole Merger

Apollo 15 Falling Body Experiment

Train Doppler Effect       Race Car Doppler Effect     

Car Horn Doppler Effect           SOFIA Airborn Observatory  

LIGO Chirps        Black Hole Merger Simulation

LIGO First Detection         Spaghettification

Simultaneity in Relativity      Time Dilation in Relativity  

Ice Skater Spin-up         Pizza Toss     Moon Giant Impact Theory

Orion Nebula Fly-through     Hammer Toss   

Star Size Comparison  End of the World Asteroid Impact

 2015 Russian Meteor Impact    Deep Impact Biederman Impact

Dinosaur Killer Impact        Stopping A Meteor Impact     

Eruption of Mount St. Helens         Eruption of Mount Pinatubo     

Water Erosion and Deltas         Martian Dust Devils     

Truck Drives Through Dust Devil     Dust Devil at Baseball Diamond     

Eruptive Solar Prominence     Solar Flare 1     What are solar flares?

How Big Are Solar Flares?     Young Star Flare       Io Erupts

 Jupiter Magnetic Field        Io Eruption Seen By New Horizon     

Enceladus: Cold Faithful        Geysers on Triton     Triton Geyser Fly-over   

Water Vapor Plumes on Europa     Huygens Descent     New Horizons Pluto

V838 Mon Light Echo    Interacting Galaxies Simulation Vs Observation

Tycho's Supernova       Type Ia Supernova     Type Ia Progenator     

White Dwarf Merger     Miranda Fly-over     Cassini Ring Crossing     

Saturn Ring Spokes     Type II Supernova     What is a Pulsar?     

Stonehenge: A Decade of Discovery    Chaco Canyon Sun Dagger Explorer   

Newgrange Buriel Mound Ireland     

The Astrolabe: Midieval Smartphone      Calculating Time With Astrolabe

Gresham College     Philosophical Transactions     

Robert Hooke website     A Photographic Atlas of Selected Regions of the Milky Way   

NOVA: Lost At Sea, The 搜索 for Longitude

Mercury Theater 1938 War of the Worlds broadcast

NOVA: Giant Impact Theory