

The Annual Joseph Asanbe多元化研讨会 | Department of Languages & 文学

These symposia are help annually to honor Joseph Asanbe, Professor of African and 非洲文学, 他于1996年去世. Dr. Asanbe was longtime chair of the department’s Diversity Committee, which organizes the events to honor his legacy and encourage continued understanding and appreciation of diversity. Co-sponsored by the 365bet Department of Languages and 文学 and the Center of Excellence for Creative Arts, the Asanbe多元化研讨会 was created to nurture diversity and to support and enhance the teaching of world 文学.


2021年里卡多 Nazario-Colon

主题: "A Puerto Rican/Latinx Journey in Appalachia"
小组讨论: "Marginal Cultures in Peripheral Regions: What We Can and Should Do"

2019 Dr. 大卫·布拉德利

主题: “多样性是否仍然得到支持??” 
 “What does it mean to have diversity, equity and, inclusion on campus and in society?”

2018 Marcelo Hernandez Castillo

主题: "Undocumented and Unafraid"
小组讨论: "Memory and Immigration in the Political Moment"

2017 CORE系列

Chamber Music Theater Performance Group
Performance: "Ain't I A Woman"
小组讨论: "Race, Gender, and the Women's Movement Today"


Keynote lecture: "The Color of Citizenship: The Impact of the Japanese-American Internment 二战期间”
小组讨论: "Immigrant Experience, Immigrant Voices: Locating Culture in the 21世纪”

2015 Dr. 快乐拉登

Keynote lecture: "Second Genesis: The Transformation of Gender"
小组讨论: "Trans Identities in Social and Institutional Space"

2014 Dr. 杰奎琳Woodfork

Keynote Lecture: “How Senegalese Soldiers Became French: 20 th 世纪身份政治”
小组讨论: “Africa in the 21 st 世纪”

2013 Dr. 托德Moye

Keynote address: “Freedom Flyers: The Tuskegee Airmen of World War II” 小组讨论:
“Diversity Meets the Culture of Allegiance”


Keynote lecture:  “The Shape of the Eye: Down Syndrome, Family, and the 我们继承的故事”

2011 Dr. 帕蒂 勒夫

Native American educator, writer, filmmaker and producer
Keynote lecture:  “Creation to Contemporary Conflict: Native American Origin Stories as Predictors of Modern Environmental Struggles”
Film:  “Way of the Warrior,” a documentary produced by 帕蒂 勒夫 for PBS on Native American soldiers in WWI, WWII, Korea and Vietnam

2010 科尔曼叫

Poet and translator of the poetry of Rumi
主题阅读及讲座: "The Mystery of Friendship: Rumi and Shams" 小组讨论: "Why Read Rumi?"

2009 Dr. 总监Abiola所有Irele

Visiting Professor of African and African-American studies and of Romance Languages and 文学s at Harvard University, Harvard University
Orality and 文学--The African Example
Keynote Lecture: “Form and Function in African Oral 文学”
小组讨论: “Oral Tradition in 文学 across Cultures”

2008 Dr. 奥尔加康纳

Keynote Lecture:  “Parables of Women”
小组讨论: “Gender and Politics/Politica y Sexo”


International businessman, writer and humanitarian
Keynote Lecture:  “A Vanished World: What 21 st Century Christian, Jews and Muslims Can Learn from Medieval Spain”
小组讨论: “Lessons for Modern Men and Women from Medieval Spain”

2006 A. 范·乔丹

Keynote Lecture:  “Space, Time and Race: From Macnolia Cox to the Present”
小组讨论: “Overcoming the Legacy of Jim Crow”


作者 and Senior Teaching Fellow
National Jewish Center for Learning and 领导, New York
Keynote Lecture: “Wrestling with God and Men: A Gay Orthodox Rabbi Speaks
关于 Sex, the Bible, and Religion”
小组讨论: “Reading and Teaching Sacred Texts”

2004 Holocaust Survivor George Salton

主题演讲:“23 rd 《365bet平台》
小组讨论: Remembering the Holocaust
Concert: To Remember and Record—a concert of music, words, and images in honor of 作家乔治·索尔顿

2003 Dr. 保罗B. 米勒

教师 Member in French and Spanish, Vanderbilt University
Lecture: “Discovering Cuban Music: Neo-Colonial Paradigms in Buena

2002 Dr. 罗伯托·路易斯·卡拉斯科

Professor of Communications, Northern Arizona University
Lecture: “Communication as Culture, Culture as Communication”
小组讨论: “The Classroom as Cultural Microcosm”

2001 Dr. 拉尔夫·J. 布赖森

Distinguished Professor of American 文学, Alabama State University
Lecture Topic: “Can 文学 Bridge the Racial Divide?”
小组讨论:  “文学 Bridging the Racial Divide”

2000 Dr. 玛格丽塔和拉尔斯·沃尔夫

Professors of Geography and 文学, Mid-Sweden University
Lecture: “The New Country: Multicultural Sweden”
小组讨论:  “Diversity in Europe: An Ongoing Challenge”


Filmmaker and Professor, San Diego State University
Lecture:  “Carroll Parrott Blue: My Life in Film”
Screenings of Documentary Films “Conversations with Roy de Carava” (1983) and “Mystery of the Senses: 愿景” (1995)

1998 Dr. 威拉尔

Assistant Professor of 历史, UCLA
Lecture: “Too Deep for Ecology: Gandhi and the Ecological 愿景 of Life”
小组讨论:  “Modern India”

1997 Dr. Francis Abiola irelle

Professor of Black Studies and Comparative Studies, The Ohio State University
Lecture: “文学 and the Modern Experience in Africa”