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University RTP Appeals Board Committee

The responsibility of the University Retention, Tenure, and Promotion Appeals Board is to review appeals of faculty members who have received negative recommendations concerning their applications for retention, tenure, or promotion. A principal responsibility of Austin Peay State University is to recruit and retain highly qualified faculty within its means, and to that end, the institution shall discharge these responsibilities by adhering to the highest standards of fairness and due diligence. The Appeals Board is also charged with upholding the policies of Austin Peay State University while simultaneously protecting academic freedom and safeguarding individual faculty members from arbitrary decisions. Appeals should be resolved in the most expeditious manner as possible and be consistent with the RTP Appeals Board objectives listed in the RTP P&G document.

Please see the 365bet Retention, Tenure, and Promotion Procedures and Guidelines for detailed information regarding the University RTP Appeals Board.

2023-2024 Membership

Faculty Name College Department Service Term
Mickey Hepner, Chair CoB, Dean CoB, non-voting member 2023-2024
David Denton Faculty, CoBHS Faculty member appointed by the Provost 2023-2024
David Snyder Faculty, CoAL Faculty Senate Representative 2023-2024
Barry Jones Faculty, CoAL Art 2023-2024
Ann Silverberg Faculty, CoAL Music 2023-2024
Greg Steinberg Faculty, CoBHS Health and Human Performance 2023-2024
Bill Rayburn Faculty, CoBHS Leadership 2023-2024
Hasdan Said Faculty, CoB Accounting, Finance, and Economics 2023-2024
Gloria Miller Faculty, CoB Management and Marketing 2023-2024
Ling Wang Faculty, CoE Teaching and Learning 2023-2024
Benita Bruster Faculty, CoE Educational Specialties 2023-2024
Allen Chaparadza Faculty, CoSTEM Chemistry 2023-2024
Perry Scanlan Faculty, CoSTEM Allied Health Sciences 2023-2024
Gina Nigro Library Access Services 2023-2024

If you have questions, concerns, or would like more information about the University RTP Appeals Board, please contact:

Mickey Hepner
Email: hepnerm@p8157.com