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Sustainable Campus Fee Committee

Membership: 3 faculty members, 3 staff members, 3 on-campus resident students, 1 representative from Student Affairs, the Manager of Dining Services (ex officio) the Sustainability Coordinator.

Terms of Service: Members will serve a three-year term. The Sustainability Coordinator will be the permanent chair.

Description: The committee has responsibility for making recommendations to the vice president for student affairs relative to the development of on-campus sustainability initiatives. The committee shall meet at least once each semester to recommend projects and funds distribution to the vice president for student affairs. In addition, the committee shall prepare a status report for publication at the end of each fiscal year for all program activities. Members should demonstrate reasonable knowledge about clean, renewable energy practices, as well as familiarity with efficiency and conservation principles. Initiative recommendations should focus primarily on direct demonstrable campus sustainability benefits, energy efficiency and utility conservation, alternative fuels, and sustainable design.

(Approver: Vice President for Student Affairs)

2023-2024 Membership

Name Division Department Service Term
Kayla Miller Zapata, Chair Student Affairs Community Engagement & Sustainability Permanent
Jamie Bowen Faculty, CoAL Communication 2022-2025
Emmabeth Parrish Vaughn Faculty, CoSTEM Physics, Engineering, and Astronomy 2023-2026
David Steele Faculty, CoBHS - Sociology 2023-2026
Megan Simpson Staff, Student Affairs Career Services 2022-2025
Mary Catherine Denmark Staff, Academic Affairs College of Business 2023-2026
Wes Powell Staff, Finance and Administration Physical Plant 2023-2024
Logan Sykes Student Affairs Student 2023-2024
Jenna Aguirre Student Affairs Student 2023-2024
Kenneth Darden Student Affairs Student 2023-2024
Beth Chancellor Staff, Internal Audit President's Office 2021-2024
Paul Mixa Sodexo Dining Services Permanent
ex officio

Note:  One member shall be assigned to record and distribute minutes of each meeting.

If you have questions, concerns, or would like more information about the Sustainable Campus Fee Committee, please contact:

Kayla Miller Zapata, Chair
For more information:  http://4xy.p8157.com/sustainability/