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Student Academic Grievance Committee

Membership: 6 Faculty, one from each academic college and Library, 2 Students, 1 non-voting ex officio (VP of Student Affairs or his/her designee).

Terms of Service: Members will serve a three-year term and can serve two consecutive terms. When consecutive terms have been served, a three-year break must occur before serving again.

Description: The committee has the responsibility for hearing and reviewing grievances from students relative to concerns with their academic programs, grade appeals, or other areas where the students may feel grieved. An appeal of a committee decision may be made to the provost.

(Approver: Provost/SVPAA

2023-2024 Membership

Name Area Department Service Term*
Eleanor Jator Faculty, CoSTEM Allied Health Sciences 2021-2024
Stephanie Hicks Faculty, CoBHS Social Work 2023-2026
Charla D. Major Faculty, CoAL Languages and Literature 2023-2026
Charles H. Gonzalez Faculty, CoE Teaching and Learning 2021-2024
Michael Shen Faculty, CoB Management & Marketing 2023-2026
Kristy Cunningham Faculty, Library Library 2021-2024
Gracie Haynes Student Student Representative 2023-2024
Erin Bosbury Student Student Representative 2023-2024
Leonard Clemons, chair Student Affairs Vice President for Student Affairs, Non-voting Permanent
ex officio

*Appointment is September through August
If you have questions, concerns, or would like more information about the Student Academic Grievance Committee, please contact:  

 Leonard Clemons, Chair 