
General Education Standing Committee

会员: All members of the committee will be appointed by the provost in consultation with the deans and faculty senate president. 

会员 includes 2 faculty from the college of arts and letters, 2 faculty from the college of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, ensuring that one faculty member will be from the math department; 2 faculty from the college of behavioral and health sciences; 1 faculty from college of business; 1 faculty from college of education; 1 faculty from the library, and 1 faculty from 教师参议院. 会员 also includes faculty coordinators for each general education competency, which are appointed by the provost in consultation with the deans. The committee is led by 2 co-chairs drawn from faculty members on the committee and recommended by the Provost. 1 dean from one of the academic colleges will serve as ex-officio. 委员会也 includes 2 non-voting committee advisors-Senior Vice Provost and Associate Vice President Academic Affairs and Assistant Provost - Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment, as well as 1 non-voting representative from each of the following areas, appointed by the provost: student success, curriculum, institutional research, and student government.

服务条款: Members will serve three-year terms and can serve two consecutive terms. 当连续 terms have been served, a three-year break must occur before serving again.

描述: The general education committee reviews and votes on all changes and additions to university general education courses and general education policies.  的决定 the General Education Committee on courses and policies require additional review and vote of the University Curriculum Committee and other bodies, as required by university policies and procedures.  

The General Education committee is also responsible for overseeing the assessment of university-level general education competencies, including communication with faculty teaching general education courses; review and approval of assessment plans for general education courses; meta-analysis of data on student learning for each competency; and review, approval, and communication of action plans based on general education 评估结果. An annual report will be provided to the provost regarding progress in assessing and improving student  learning related to the university-level general education competencies. The chair of this committee is responsible for preparing documents and/or presentations for the pre-semester calendar.  This committee may convene during 8月.

(Approver: Provost/SVPAA)

2023-2024 会员:

名字 Area 部门 服务期限*
Marisa Sikes, co-chair 教师、煤炭 Written Communication 2021-2024
Kakali Chakrabarti,, co-chair 教师、煤炭, Oral Communication Pillar Coordinator Oral  Discipline Communication 2022-2025
Dzavid Dzanic 教师、煤炭 历史 and Philosophy 2021-2024
珍妮哈里斯 教师、图书馆 伍德沃德图书馆 2023-2026
维多利亚麦卡锡 教师、结实的 管理 & 市场营销 2021-2024
Erik Haroldson 教师、CoSTEM  Earth and Environmental Sciences 2023-2026
尼古拉斯·柯比 教师、CoSTEM Mathematics and Statistics 2023-2026
艾米丽异食癖 教师、CoBHS Psychological Science and Counseling 2022-2025
莎拉Whiteford 教师、CoBHS 刑事司法 2023-2026
亚当Attwood 教师、科 Education Specialties 2022-2025
约翰•菲利普斯 教师、CoBHS, Critical Reasoning Pillar Coordinator 政治科学 2021-2024
凯瑟琳Honea 教师、煤炭, Global Perspective Pillar Coordinator Languages and Literature 2021-2024
芭芭拉·李·格雷 教师、煤炭 Languages and Literature 2022-2025
克里斯汀Sienkiewicz 教师、煤炭 音乐 2019-2025
阿曼达Wornhoff 委员会顾问 Director, Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment


塔克布朗 委员会顾问 Senior Vice Provost and Associate Vice President Academic Affairs 永久 
Buzz胡恩 院长、煤炭 煤炭 永久
基尔Mohon-Doyle 教师、煤炭, Written Communication Pillar Coordinator 煤炭 2022-2025

*Appointment is September through 8月 

If you have questions, concerns or would like more information about the General Education Standing Committee, please contact:

Marisa Sikes, Co-chair
电子邮件: sikesm@p8157.com or
Kakali Chakrabarti, Co-chair
电子邮件: chakrabariik@p8157.com