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Faculty Leadership Program


Overview of the Faculty Leadership Program

The Faculty Leadership Program recognizes the importance of developing relevant leadership skills for faculty at Austin Peay State University. The Faculty Leadership Program fosters the development of a more interconnected, knowledgeable, and adaptable campus community capable of responding quickly and collaboratively to challenges and opportunities.

The Faculty Leadership Program offers an opportunity for selected faculty to acquire a more comprehensive awareness of university operations, apply leadership skills to their various roles on campus, interact interpersonally with leaders on campus, and identify a worthy project or initiative to tackle as a team. The program fosters an exploratory team environment that requires participants to relegate all other campus responsibilities to non-program hours.

Accepted applicants meet half-days each week for both semesters (Fall and Spring) as part of a campus-led immersion program that assists participants in developing a collaborative project to positively impact the institution and student success, in addition to participating in mentoring conducted by university leaders.


2023-2024 Faculty Leadership Program

Applications are available! Complete this FORM for consideration in the next cohort. Please note, the form will ask you to upload your personal interest statement along with a document of support from your Department Chair. 

If you have any questions about the 2023-2024 FLP Call for Participants email katesm@p8157.com. Reference: 2023-2024 FLP